IG Clone pt. 3

Posted by Veronica Lopez on June 30, 2020

Hello everyone! In the last couple of posts we’ve gone through the steps for setting up our Instagram clone. You can find them here: Part 1 and Part 2. I’ve been working on the app more and it is starting to look pretty good! Today, I will go over what I’ve added.

We left off last time with some more Bootstrap setup to help us create our site faster and easier. Next, on the homepage, I added links to either sign up or log in. In app/views/public/homepage.html.erb:

<p class="lead">Please register or sign-in to continue.</p>

<%= link_to "Sign Up", new_account_registration_path, class: "btn btn-success"%>
<%= link_to "Sign In", new_account_session_path, class: "btn btn-secondary"%>

If you’re not sure which routes you have available within your application, you can type rake routes in your terminal. Note: Above, the class: "btn btn-success" is some basic styling available to us from the Bootstrap template that creates a ‘Sign Up’ button.

Next, I clicked the Sign Up button and made a test account to make sure my Devise setup was working correctly:

email: test@test.com password: testing1

After that, I looked at the Rails server logs and I could see the account was created and inserted into the Accounts table! 😎👍 Next, I created a view for the dashboard. I made an accounts_controller by running rails g controller Accounts in my terminal, then, in the config/routes.rb file I added a route get "/dashboard" => "accounts#index" that will point to the index method in the accounts controller. My routes file now looks like this:

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  devise_for :accounts

  get "/dashboard" => "accounts#index"

  root to: "public#homepage"

And my accounts controller looks like this:

class AccountsController < ApplicationController
    before_action :authenticate_account! 👈 # ensures that only users who have an account and are logged in can access the dashboard.

    def index 
        # user feed

    def show 
        # user profile

Next I added the index template. In app/views/accounts, I added a file: index.html.erb.

Next, we need our accounts to have posts! Lets create a migration for posts by running rails g migration create_posts which creates this file for us where we can add some additional attributes:


class CreatePosts < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
  def change
    create_table :posts do |t|
	 t.string :image
      t.boolean :active
      t.references :account

Once the attributes are added, we can run rails db:migrate to create the posts table. Then create a model by running rails g model Post --skip Take a look at the schema file and you can see all this has been added to it.

create_table "posts", force: :cascade do |t|
    t.string "image"
    t.boolean "active"
    t.integer "account_id"
    t.datetime "created_at", precision: 6, null: false
    t.datetime "updated_at", precision: 6, null: false
    t.index ["account_id"], name: "index_posts_on_account_id"


I will be back next week with more on what I’ve added, hopefully we can focus less on setup and more on the fun stuff. I hope everyone has a wonderful week. Stay safe.

