I just completed my second portfolio project which is a Web App using Sinatra and ActiveRecord. This was very challenging for me. I had to review some concepts that I thought I already had down. I had to force myself to keep trying even when I felt discouraged and like I couldn’t get past certain obstacles. Getting feedback and talking with some people in my cohort really helped, reminding me that I wasn’t the only one struggling and we all have things to overcome. My project is a simple recipe web app that allows you to Signup and Login with password encryption to make sure your information is kept safe. Once logged in, you can create a recipe or read recipes posted by all users of the app. You can also update and delete recipes but only if you’re the author. Even though my app is pretty simple, I’m still proud of myself. I have yet to style it with CSS so I’ll be working on that with any free time I have available. I’m nervous but very excited to be moving onto the next part of the curriculum - Rails!