In last weeks blog, , I talked about how this weeks post would be about the issue with my login system for my Real Estate app and my process for deploying the app with Heroku. However, I didn’t have time to complete my project as planned. We just purhased a new home and we were planning on moving towards the end of April but there were some bumps in the road and now we are having to move sooner which is not ideal considering the pandemic and the stay-at-home orders but we really don’t have a choice. We didn’t hire any movers because we don’t want to risk the spread of COVID-19 so it’s more exhausting and taking a little longer than we anticipated. Oh wait, I have an idea:
In last week’s post, Job Hunt, Coding, and Chaos, I talked about how I hadn’t worked on my app much. I made a few changes to it but I was more focused on reading and watching video tutorials. I found a YouTuber awhile back whose channel is called Traversy Media. He has a wide range of videos from crash courses, actual courses, code-alongs, and tutorials. He covers several languages including JavaScript, Node.js, Python, Ruby on Rails and so many more. He’s been very helpful for me as far and Ruby and JavaScript, not only does he have courses on these languages but he also does shorter tutorials for concepts you may be having trouple understanding. If you are stuck on certain topics, you can find him here: Traversy Media - YouTube or at his website where he has courses ranging from 6-21 hours - The book I bought, Cracking the Coding Interview, has been pretty helpful too, it has over 150 interview questions, strategies to take on algorithms and getting to answers on your own when you ask the right questions, and even tips for non-technical questions that might come up. I’ve read and worked through about a quarter of the book, it can be exhausting but really beneficial if you’re currently searching for a job like I am. And like I mentioned last week, HackerRank and CodeWars are also awesome for working on code challenges!
It has now been about 2 months since graduation and I’ve only heard back from 4 companies I’ve applied to, all who were reaching out to let me know I was being rejected. It’s very hard working on your skills everyday just to be told “nope!”, but I’m trying to remember that I just need one “yes!”. However, CoVid-19 is not helping the situation, in fact it’s causing many people to lose their jobs. During my time at Flatiron, I connected with hundreds of people via LinkedIn and Twitter and it’s devastating to see how many people have been laid off from work in not only the tech industry but the countless other industries being hurt by this pandemic.
In my last post, Real Estate, I go over how I started building my real estate app. Since then, I’ve worked on it more and I’ve mostly been adding CSS, bootstrap, and tweaking forms. I still have a ways to go but I’m happy with what I’ve got so far.